Saturday, May 12, 2007

Some sketches I'm doing. Putting a visual pitch package together for some dudes for their brand new Afrikaans Music Kids Show! I say "heeeeyoooo" I say "ho ho ho." Anyway, having quite a lot of fun I guess, there's another cartoonist here by the name of James Wolfaardt. His ideas are superb. Check out He does a webcomic. It is called, funnily enough; 'Happy Chicken Suicide Cult'. So he's helping me with this kids show. It's with medium-sized puppets (the ones where the oke puts his arm inside the puppet and uses his other hand to control a wire to the puppet's one arm) and shot in green chroma screen, so the studio can be hand-drawn and stuffs as well. We doing our kiffest our side to make the puppets rad.

Any news on the show in Durbs? I'd really like to know how things went. Did the slideshow work? Anyone sell any paintings? Because I can't find news ANYWHERE except from Tyron Love, but I think he ducked out early to go become a porn star.



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